Hinetewai by Erena Koopu.
This is the 20th piece out of 21 painted canvas works making up part of Koopu’s exhibition, HAUTUTU, which was created specifically for Ihorei Gallery. Within the work, Koopu focuses soley on the aesthetics of the paintings rather than deeper meanings — having a tutu with colours and shapes inspired by toi Maori and investigating the freedom in playful creation.
Koopu is one of the very first students to graduate from EIT Tairāwhiti’s Toimairangi - School of Māori Visual Arts. She currently holds a position of senior lecturer at Toihoukura in Gisbourne and is a painter, preforming artist and toi Māori practitioner.
Dimensions: 32cm x 42cm.
Acryllic in box canvas.