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Taepu A3 Print


Exhibiting in Ngā Hua a Rehua by Maihi Potaka


Maihi describes his exhibition:


“Rehua is intimately entwined with the season of raumati (summer), with Te Waru o Rehua revealing its brilliance when the warmth takes hold.


Rehua, a whetū and atua who resides in one of the highest realms once bestowed gifts of manu upon Tane. These manu a Rehua inspired my interpretations embodied in kōwhaiwhai, capturing the movement and dynamic essence of each of these taonga.


This exhibition is a dedicated homage to Ngā Manu a Rehua and Ngā Pōtiki a Rehua (the flying beings of Rehua, and the infants of Rehua), flourishing abundantly in Te Waru.

Ngā Pōtiki embody the spirit of abundance and vitality thriving in the warmth of Raumati. Representing them in my works serves as a tribute to the cycle of life and the interplay between generations and the responsibility of nurturing and protecting the taiao.


Amidst the backdrop of global warming's noticeably unprecedented peaks, it urges us to be aware of impending changes while also revelling in the celebration of this season.”

Taepu - A3 Print by Maihi Potaka

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