Uku by Davina Duke (Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Rehua, Patuharakeke, Taitokerau)
Te Kauae Raro is part of a series of three — Te Kauae Raro, Te Kauae Runga and Te Ara Waenganui. These works together signify the totality of our present world and Te Ao Māori; runga meaning above and raro, below. The pūhoro design references moko kanohi as the upper jaw connects us with our celestial knowledges and the lower jaw connects us to whenua and physical space. Te Ara Waenganui represents how our actions connect us and locate us between Runga and Raro.
Dimensions are 30cm high by 240cm wide.
Note: Te Ara Waenganui has sold.
Te Kauae Raro